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Obviously, someone gave her the wrong make-over!

By: thekrypt

Scroll the scroll-bar over to view the rest of the dolls.
Click Here to View her other dolls

Help me, Mary Kay!
By: haunting_images

Click Here to View her other dolls
She's crying because nobody told her about Mary Kay.
By: haunting_images

Click Here to View her other dolls
Where can we get Mary Kay?


(left)noauthorityrulez- Click Here to View her other dolls


(bottom-middle)haunting_images-Click Here to View her other dolls


Who made them up for prom?!
By: haunteddolls


Not using Mary Kay is really scary!


(outside)haunting_images-Click Here to View her other dolls



I knew I should have used Mary Kay!
By: goth-n-vampiredolls

Click Here to View her other dolls
Not using Mary Kay turned me into a vampire!
By: thedarkwoods

Click Here to View her other dolls

Click Here to see her website

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